Friday, June 17, 2011

Pondering Relationships

She needs to be; herself
He needs to be; himself 
Together they are united 
Hers, his; individual 
Separate; not ideal

Mingle the minds 
Create a tale for two 
Individualism is madness 
Hers, his; individual 
Separate; not ideal 

Get it together
The hell with that 
Merry Go Round 
Hers, his; individual 
Separate; not ideal 

Personal success 
Is motivating to both 
Yourself and your mate 
The strength is in the union 
Restrain the individual 
Weaken the bond 


I was thinking about what people talked about when their was trouble in couple'dom'. It seems to me that people don't pay enough attention to how their actions impact their significant other.  It's not about me, me, me and it's not about you, you, you; it's about we, we, we - made better because we invest in me and you.  Got that?  Makes perfect sense, eh?  Tap out a shout out and let me know what you think about it all... love your comments and your visits to my space in the cyber world. 


  1. I really liked this poem... I believe it captures a part of what makes a relationship work: individuality must be maintained but not shrouded in secrecy. The key to maintaining unity and individualism is trust - without it, unity breaks down and individuality is lost.

  2. Absolutely Scoop!! Thanks for commenting and stopping by. Welcome to my blog!

  3. Great insight as always Tracy, your poem is really true. Individuality is important but a couple is a WE too and when challenges arise, seeing them as a WE will make all the difference. At some stage, the couple experience make us realise it's not all about us as individuals, that the world around exists and it is as a group we need to face life.

  4. True, true Marie. My poem is exactly about that. It's about tending to the indiviual self to make the pair stronger. It's about not being afraid to invest in yourself, to allow your partner to invest in themselves and to come together in support. In a nutshell it's about realizing that their is no I in 'couple.'

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I always enjoy hearing from you. Have a great week.


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