Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In the wee hours of the morn...
Did you feel the graceful touch upon your cheek,
‘Twas me, love, stroking the line of your jaw and softly kissing your brow.

Did you feel the light touch upon your chest?
‘Twas my hand, darling, caressing you and lingering upon your heart

Did you feel the wispy kisses ease down your belly?
Those were my lips, sweet lover, ever so softly and gently kissing you.

Did you feel the warmth surround and comfort you?
‘Twas was my soul, my love, becoming one with you,
creating within you, me.

I'm your Dreamweaver, Lover
And in your dreams, when you close your eyes you can feel me.
My touch is always upon you, my kisses never far;
When you want me simply close your eyes.

I'm your Dreamweaver, Lover
With a loving touch, your soul mate for eternity
From the heavens above

This is the first poem I ever submitted for publication.  It currently has a happy home in a poetry book.  I thought I'd share it here with ya'll.  I hope you enjoy it.  


Disclaimer: **The image on this page was taken from this website - I do not own nor claim to own the image. It is the property of the creator.  Please visit http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/30445/Blue-Fairy-Tress-Black.jpg for this image.


  1. Your poem reminds me of a dream I once had. It was so vivid. A dream of me and a person I loved, together, though we never could be in real life. Was that the work of the Dreamweaver? It was a pretty cruel trick to play actually, I was none too appreciative when I awoke.

    I'm happy that this poem found a home :)

  2. It is a lovely and peaceful poem Tracy - I am delighted you decide to share these words with us today.

  3. @Diego - Awww, those vivid dreams can leave bittersweet feelings can't they? I know...

    I am glad Dreamweaver found a home too, Diego. See you at the Gallery :)


    @Marie - I'm glad you enjoyed this one Marie. I am currently being hounded by a couple family members and friends to submit another poem to some magazines... we will see.


  4. Oh, Marie, btw, you have inspired me to look into a creative writing class for myself. I'm hoping it will help me to be a better writer... I've found that writing this blog has been quite peaceful for me. So THANKS!! I'll keep you posted.

  5. Great News Tracy! Creative writing classes really helped me to improve and now with a couple of friends for the class we are meeting twice a month and exchange on the + & - of our writing pieces.
    Hope you will enjoy and let me know how the search and first classes are going on.
    Same for me the blog is a great and peaceful way to write more.
    Stay well! I am so exciting for you!


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