Monday, August 15, 2011

The Lonely Tree

This tree image was found at and is the property of:

The land stretches far and wide

Great expanses of dusty brown earth

But wait, look there, a lonely tree

Branches reaching heavenward

Reaching out to touch the sun

A gentle rain starts to fall upon its’ leaves

Lush, green and wonderfully fragrant

Hear its’ beckoning call to you

Take cover beneath my canopy

Rest oh weary traveler, rest

Let your thoughts run wild

Then free them from your mind

Run your fingers over my trunk

It’s rough; rich from growth

Pluck a leaf from my branches

It’s smooth with veins; rich with life

My roots are strong and run deep

Have a seat among them weary one

Let them cradle you while you rest

When you leave my embrace traveler

Remember the life that surrounded you

Keep all your precious memories

Reach for a deeper peace

Continue to wander and discover

Across this land far and wide

Great expanses of richness and wealth



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